Sourdough Bread for Sale!
update (9/13/2022): Currently selling them from home!
Bread in general doesn’t have a good reputation. It has carbs, and carbs scare people.
But as I am learning more, I realized that not all breads were created equal. I’ve loved sourdough bread ever since I was a teenager, and my love for it grew as I learned some awesome facts about them:
-real sourdough (from fermentation) is easier for your body to digest
-the natural yeast it produces contains so many good bacteria for the gut
-its ‘natural origins’ from whole wheat, wild yeast and bacteria was the oldest form of ‘leavened bread’. There are evidences that this form of bread-making has been around for thousands of years.
-it has a lower glycemic index, which means it will not cause your blood sugar to spike like other breads do.
-it’s good if you have gluten sensitivity (not to be confused with celiac disease), since the long fermentation process (12 hours+ for me, usually) breaks down the gluten found in store-bought breads, which is sometimes hard on our bodies.
It’s so hard to find good sourdough bread that only has four ingredients locally. I’ve had many kinds of sourdough bread from different small-town bakeries, and after making loaves after loaves over this last year, I can finally be confident enough to say, they come out of my oven just like the ones I’ve had from these small-town bread shops. The crust is crispy, the interior is super soft and slightly chewy; they’re just delicious. I know I can always make improvements, and this learning process is a lifelong journey.
Meanwhile, If you are one of those who is constantly on the hunt for a good loaf of artisan-styled sourdough bread, you can get them for only $8 per loaf. Text me, or email me: rowaszaj@gmail.com. Order your loaf today ! 🎉🍞🥖 (local pickup only for now.)
ingredients: organic bread flour, organic white whole wheat flour, water, salt, & wild yeast
Why Health Coaching?
I am so excited to be here. This has been a long time in the making; most of my life, probably.
Not until a few years ago, I finally was able to admit my childhood experiences with food and body image have impacted me tremendously. I am slowly learning to not place all the blame on the certain people in my life; they loved me the best way they knew how, and looking back, I knew their concerns for me to ‘stay away from food’ was from a good perspective.
I will always remember the first time, my heart stirred because I heard someone else in my life that went through the same experience as I did.
eating disorder.
That moment, that day was a gift to me. I still remember where I was exactly, and how I stopped breathing for a few seconds (I think) because I realized I wasn’t alone. This secret, this dark side of my past that I was trying so hard to hide away for so long, didn’t need to stay hidden anymore. Because it no longer was something only I understood. I could talk about it with others, because they would understand, because they have gone through this, too.
The more I learned to talk about it, the more I realized I wanted to use this experience to help other women who may still be affected today from their past. So much of how we see food, whether good foods or bad foods, or feeling the need to count calories, or restricting ourselves from eating either carbs or sweets or certain fats, come from a past experience that may have damaged us emotionally. And so much of our well-beings came from the emotional side. After years struggling with eating and dealing with my own trauma, I believe the only way we could be truly healed is from the inside out.
Health coaching with me is not a program you sign up to lose weight. Well, not to just lose the weight, I am hoping. It is not something that will train your body to transform into a goddess-like form. But it is a journey with me to discover what you truly value in your life, and how to balance these valuable elements with good nutrition and habits, and you will learn to thrive in ways you’d never expect. I know what it’s like to feel stuck and I know what it’s like to have the tools to grow and learn to live a better life. Can you just imagine a day when you no longer have to categorize foods as good or bad, a day where you don’t have to count calories anymore, a day you’ll be freed from the past. You never know what this may lead to, I pray it’s something that is wholesome and great!